Before Inkjet or Laser printers, illustrations were most commonly carved, etched, or engraved onto wood or copper by hand. Type was composed using wood or metal type and, depending on the process, either printed with the illustration, or printed on a separate print run. 'Hunter's Assist' explores the blending of two worlds, digital and print.
Though the process did not originate within the printing industry, the development of photopolymer plates for use within letterpress printing had once again revolutionised the ability to print word and image together on a press. Designed on a computer, a negative of the design is printed on transparent paper and placed over the photopolmer plate. The partially covered plate then undergoes exposure to UV rays. Areas where the plate is exposed to the UV rays are hardened, and the areas of the plate protected form the rays by the negative remain soft and are washed away in a bath of warm water. The plate is then ready to print from.​​​​​​​

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